Expertise immobilière

A field

Property Appraisal




Our valuers in property appraisal have been trained at the Institut de l’Expertise, the ESSEC Business School of Paris and the ESI (Ecole Supérieure de l’Immobilier of the FNAIM) in Paris la Défense.


All our valuers comply in their property appraisal missions with the Property Valuation Appraisal Charter (5th edition – October 2017) and with the 2020 European Valuation Standards published by TEGoVA (the Blue Book, 9th edition).


Each valuation report is signed by our valuer in charge of the mission, subject to the approval of the Professional Third-Party Liability of COFARIS EVALUTATION.

Our mission in propery appraisal


Our property valuations are the result of field work and allow you to assess a complete report:

  • Study of the physical and technical factors
  • Study of the legal and tax factors
  • Study of the socio-economic factors
  • Valuation methods depending on the mission (direct comparison, capitalisation, DCF,…)
  • Analysis of the situation and property market
  • Analysis of the elements of added value and depreciated value
  • Analysis of the market references
  • Viewing of the property with photographs
  • Determination of the market or rental value of the property
  • Determination of the forced sale value (in case of auction sale)
  • Determination of the mortgage value (risk optimisation in the granting stage)
  • Determination of the LTV ratio (Loan To Value: essential ratio between the market value and the mortgage value)

Property appraisal always intervenes
for the sake of objectivity!

souci d’objectivité

Property appraisal is made under different circumstances: granting of loans, financing, amicably, disputed… always done objectively !

Contact us
Déterminer le LTV pour maîtriser le risque bancaire

Determining the LTV in order to
control bank risk



The COFARIS EVALUATION valuer will express in its findings a ratio between the mortgage value and the market value of the property, making it possible to assess the lender’s risk in its search for the LTV or Loan To Value (loan/value ratio).


For more information on the LTV ratio, go directly to the “Our other missions” page.